Emergency Preparation in Paradise:

Ensuring Your Safety and Security in Puerto Morelos


Last updated 6/28/2024 ~SB.

While our usual blog posts are about the beauty and lovely experiences here, we wanted to also create a series of posts that would provide important helpful information about visiting or living in Puerto Morelos. This first post in the series is all about emergency preparation in paradise, and this post highlights the importance of being prepared for medical emergencies, hurricanes, heat emergencies, flooding, pet emergencies, and car accidents.

While you’re on vacation, the last thing you want to think about is an emergency, but it is always a great idea to familiarize yourself with local emergency information (and maybe bookmark or screenshot this post in case internet is down when an emergency happens!) so that you know what to do in the event that you need it.

Emergency prepartion is vital in Puerto Morelos especially since it is a coastal town where the heat and humidity can be intense and where natural emergencies like strong rain storms or hurricanes can create issues with flooding and lack of electricity. Without further ado, let’s get right to it!

Emergency Contacts

Part of emergency preparation in paradise is having emergency contacts readily available to you. This includes not only your personal emergency contact information (names/numbers of your next of kin, your doctors, and a local friend who can help in a pinch if possible), but also local emergency numbers.

Emergency Numbers:
Know the local emergency numbers for swift assistance during crises, ensuring timely help during medical emergencies, fires, or other incidents.

Emergency Planning:
Create an emergency plan with evacuation routes, meeting points, and supply kits to reduce panic and ensure everyone’s safety. Here are some links to additional resources on this topic:

    The city of Puerto Morelos lists emergency numbers for emergencies (911), Tourist Services (078), Civil Protection (+529981886794), Fire Department (+529981096636) and Public Safety/Transportation (+529981507035).

    The city of Puerto Morelos lists the following emergency numbers for use within the municipality of Puerto Morelos:

    • Emergencies – 911
    • Tourist Services – 078 from a Mexican phone
    • Civil Protection – +529981886794
    • Fire Department – +529981096636
    • Public Safety/Transportation – +529981507035
    Do you have a report or suggestion about the garbage collection service? Call +52 998 183 0300 between 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.

    Do you have a report or suggestion about the garbage collection service in Puerto Morelos? Call the city of Puerto Morelos at +52 998 183 0300 between 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.

    Emergency numbers from the government of Quintana Roo for tow trucks, water leaks, social issues, as well as accidents, crime, and medical emergencies.

    While 911 is the main emergency number in the state of Quintana Roo, sometimes we need help for something that isn’t a medical emergency or accident.

    Here there are numbers for:

    • Emergencies – 911
    • Direct Lines for Immediate Assistance
      • +52-983-154-3905
      • +52-998-891-4032
      • +52-983-154-7941
      • +52-983-164-6999
    • Water leaks 073 – from a Mexican phone
    • Tow trucks – +52-921-130-9423 OR +52-983-839-4171
    • Social issues +52-998-101-1857

    Medical Emergencies:

    In Puerto Morelos, knowing nearby medical facilities and recognizing signs of emergencies is crucial. CPR and first aid training can be valuable skills. Stay calm, provide information to responders, and follow their instructions. Timely and appropriate medical care improves outcomes.

    • Call emergency services immediately by dialing 911 if someone requires urgent medical attention.
    • The only local hospital is Costamed and they also provide emergency ambulance services.
      • For EMERGENCIES call 800-900-1133
      • For non-emergency appointments call 998-500-2505
    (We’ll include information about ongoing, preventative healthcare in a future post.)
    An image of Costamed hostpial and one of their ambulances in Puerto Morelos.

    Natural Disaster Emergency Preparation

    As a coastal town, Puerto Morelos is vulnerable to hurricanes during that season from June through November each year. Secure your property, stock essential supplies, and monitor official updates to safeguard lives and minimize damage.

    It is important to know where to get updates and what the different warning levels mean. One of the best places to find local updates is on the Ayuntamiento de Puerto Morelos Facebook page (Spanish only). In the event of a hurricane, their posts are typically shared on English language Facebook pages as well, such as True Friends and Expats of Puerto Morelos group. Look for posts there by Phyllis Lanius on the True Friends group as she is a Consular Liaison Volunteer with the US Consulate so she’s got valuable information to share in the event of emergencies or other major events that might impact you.

    Hurricane Season is from June 1st - November 30th. Puerto Morelos uses a color system to alert residents about the risk on any given day. Blue is minimal risk. Green is low risk. Yellow is moderate risk. Orange is high risk. Red is maximum danger. Please be aware and be prepared.

    Hurricane Season is from June 1st – November 30th. Puerto Morelos uses a color system to alert residents about the risk on any given day. We’ll go through what the different colors mean and what the recommendations are based on the levels of risk.

    • Blue is minimal risk. A Tropical cyclone was detected that could imact Puerto Morelos. Remain attentive to weather reports.
    • Green is low risk. Remain attentive to weather reports and watch for official communications from the Ayuntamiento de Puerto Morelos with further directions.
    • Yellow is moderate risk. Maintain higher interest in the official weather reports. Take steps to protect yourself, your family and your home. Know where the emergency shelters are in Puerto Morelos. Be prepared for possible evacuation.
    • Orange is high risk. Evacuate high risk zones and constructions. Shelter in a safe place. Follow instructions from authorities. Suspend any maritime activities.
    • Red is extreme danger. The entire population should take shelter. Follow instructions from authorities.
    The city of Puerto Morelos recommends having an emergency backpack filled with the following items during hurricane season: Important documents with a copy on USB drive; first Aid kit and medications; radio, flashlight, and plenty of batteries; a lighter and whistle; emergency contact information for family and friends; food and water for at least 4 days (for you and your pets); toys, diapers, diaper wipes, and baby food/formula; keys to the house and cars as well as tools; face masks for the whole family, disinfecting wipes, and gel/spray antibacterial gel.

    The Puerto Morelos municipality recommends that people prepare an emergency backpack with all your important items gathered into one place so that you can easily evacuate in an emergency. 

    • Important documents with a copy on USB drive
    • First Aid kit and any medications your family or your pets take
    • Radio, flashlight, and plenty of batteries
    • A lighter, emergency whistle and contact information for family and friends
    • Enough food and water for at least 4 days (for you and your pets). Make sure you consider that you may not be able to cook like you normally do, so choose options that you can eat without heating/cooking and that won’t spoil without refrigeration.
    • Toys, diapers, diaper wipes, and food/formula to take care of and entertain your kids for at least 4 days
    • Keys to the house and cars as well as basic tools
    • Face masks for the whole family, disinfecting wipes, and gel/spray antibacterial gel.

      Unless it’s already in your emergency kit in your car (see recommendations further down in this post) I would also add:

      • Heavy duty garbage bags for cleanup
      • Zip lock bags
      • Rubber gloves and work gloves for cleanup
      • Duct tape
      • Rain gear – rubber boots, rain coat or poncho
      • Generator
      • Cell phone cable and solar/rechargable power bank
      • Rechargable/solar fans
      • Rechargable/solar lights and/or candles
      • Battery operated water pump for your garrafones
      • Baby wipes for personal hygiene if you’re unable to shower.
      • Large containers to collect water to flush toilets, wash hands, clean dishes, etc. I bought an inflatable bathtub which fits in my shower so that I can store a large quantity of water before the storm hits and power goes out.
      • A large squeege to help push water back out of the house.

      Preparing your Home for a Hurricane

      If you own a home here in Puerto Morelos, you also need to know what to do to protect your home prior to a hurricane arriving, what to do during the hurricane, and what to expect afterwards. Run Away Realty puts out a great series of monthly posts on Facebook about home maintenance reminders for each season, and they also put out this helpful guide called “Weathering the Storm: Hurricane Season 2024 in Puerto Morelos”.   Be sure to read and start putting their recommendations in place so you’re prepared when a storm comes.

      Heat Emergencies:
      Hot and humid weather can pose health risks. Stay hydrated, seek shade, and be aware of heat-related illnesses, especially among vulnerable individuals.


      Heavy rainfalls and tropical storms can lead to flooding in Puerto Morelos. This often creates transportation issues here because the streets will quickly begin to flood to the point that it is not safe for vehicles (including taxis and private vehicles) to drive due to the dangers of damaging your vehicle due to high water or speed bumps and pot holes. If you use colectivos or taxis, please be patient as they will probably be running later than normal when it rains.

      If you drive your own or a rental car, be sure to take note of flood-prone areas on the routes you normally take (or ask locals if you won’t be here long enough to see patterns), but if possible rather than driving during or right after a storm, remain safe wherever you are when the rain starts until flood waters have receeded.

      Image of the port side of Pueto Morelos during Hurricane Grace.
      During hurricane season, it is especially important that we all do our part to help avoid flooding caused by an accumulation of garbage on the roadways. Throw trash out in approved containers, make sure to clean the culverts and drains near your home, and clean debris off your roof to avoid standing water.

      During hurricane season, it is especially important that we all do our part to help avoid flooding caused by an accumulation of garbage on the roadways. Throw trash out in approved containers, make sure to clean the culverts and drains near your home, and clean debris off your roof to avoid standing water.

      Pet Emergencies:
      Include pets in your emergency preparation plans. Have extra food, water, medications, and carriers ready for their safety during evacuations. Also keep this list of emergency veterinarians on hand should your pet become ill or injured outside of normal office hours.

      List of emergency veterinarians in Puerto Morelos.

      Car Emergencies:
      If you become stranded due to a mechanical issue, call the Angeles Verdes, or the Green Angles, and they can assist you. Dial 078 and give them your location.

      If you are involved in a car accident in Mexico, stay calm and follow proper procedures. DO NOT MOVE YOUR VEHICLE – leave it wherever it stopped due to the accident. Call your rental car company (or if you own your car, call your insurance company) immediately as they have to send someone out to the accident scene.  Keep necessary documents accessible, know traffic laws, and contact authorities promptly.

      Angeles Verdes or Green Angels can assist stranded motorists in Mexico.
      Angeles Verdes provided this infografic on Facebook of items to bring with you when you travel.

      Angeles Verdes are your guardian angels on the road in Mexico and will come to help you if you break down. They published this infographic of items to bring with you on roadtrips in case you have a mechanical issue. The list includes:


      • Gloves
      • Jumper cables
      • Electrical tape
      • A reflective vest
      • A rain jacket
      • A fire extinguisher
      • A hydraulic jack
      • A reflective triangle
      • A set of wrenches, screw drivers, and pliers
      • At least 3 liters of water
      • Portable cell phone charger (pre-charged)
      • Flashlight
      • Drinking water
      • First Aid kit
      If you drive in the rain, the city of Puerto Morelos makes the following recommendations: 1) Turn your lights on an lower your speed. 2) Avoid going through the puddles that form because you can lose control of your vehicle. 3) If you can't avoid the puddles, decrease your speed and turn on your hazzard lights. 4) If the rain gets worse, look for a safe (look for higher ground) place to stop your car until it passes.

      If you drive in the rain, the city of Puerto Morelos makes the following recommendations:

      • 1) Turn your lights on an lower your speed.
      • 2) Avoid going through the puddles that form because you can lose control of your vehicle.
      • 3) If you can’t avoid the puddles, decrease your speed and turn on your hazzard lights.
      • 4) If the rain gets worse, look for a safe (higher ground) place to stop your car until it passes.

      US Citizens living in Mexico

      • If you are a U.S. citizen traveling to or residing in Mexico, enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive safety messages and other travel information.
        • Assistance: For Emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call +52-55-8526-2561 from Mexico or +1-844-528-6611 from the United States.
        • The U.S. Consulate General in Merida is located at: Calle 60 No. 338-K x 29 y 31; Col. Alcala Martin; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 97050; Phone: + 52 999-942-5700; E-Mail: AskMeridaACS@state.gov
        • State Department – Consular Affairs: +1-888-407-4747 or +1-202-501-4444
      Information about STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) through the US Department of State.

      Canadian Citizens living in Mexico

      If you are a Canadian citizen traveling to or residing in Mexico, the Canadian government travel website will offer you information on safety issues while traveling.

      The closest Consular Agency of Canada is in Cancún.

      Poster about Registration of Canadians Living Abroad.

      In conclusion, prioritizing emergency preparation in paradise is an essential step towards ensuring your safety and security during your time in Puerto Morelos. As you revel in the beauty of this coastal haven, it’s important to acknowledge the potential risks posed by medical incidents, hurricanes, heat waves, flooding, pet concerns, and vehicular mishaps. By acquainting yourself with local emergency resources and guidelines, you empower yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate unforeseen situations. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, embracing a proactive approach to emergency readiness can make a significant difference when the unexpected arises. So, as you savor the delights of Puerto Morelos, remember that being prepared is the key to unwavering peace of mind. Stay informed, stay safe, and make the most of your time in this idyllic paradise.
