El Telar Cultural Community Center

Suzanne Ball

Suzanne Ball

El Telar PM is a cultural community center in Puerto Morelos.
A group of children sitting in a circle on the floor at El Telar with their hands connected in the middle. Each child has a drawing they worked on during the class as well.

We are fortunate here in Puerto Morelos that we have a wealth of artists, musicians, and other folks who love giving back to our community. El Telar PM is one such organization and we love their passion for their vision and programming!

El Telar was founded by talented local musician León Farias in 2023. León’s vision is as follows:

“There is a wealth of artists in our municipality. Our vision is to build networks that allow for the creation of bonds within the community through artistic and cultural activities and expressions such as:

• Art workshops and socio-emotional education for the community
• Exhibitions
• Storytelling
• Book exchange
• Film club
• Talks
• Concerts
• Stage performances
• Cultural markets

A community model for learning, artistic development, and cultural promotion for the community of Puerto Morelos.”

El Telar is located on a residential street on the colonia side of Puerto Morelos, where it is more accessible both physically and economically for the Mexicans living here. El Telar relies on volunteer teachers who provide classes at a very low cost for students, using the funds raised to help offset the general operating costs of El Telar.

El Telar continues to grow and expand as funding and new opportunities for classes arise. We have been very impressed with their work ethic, their organization, and their attention to detail to ensure that they are providing the best possible programming for the needs of our community.

They can use our help to cover their overhead expenses, as well as providing equipment and supplies that will enable them to continue doing their valuable work.

Please donate via the 501(c)(3) non-profit portion of our organization, called Conexión, using the PayPal button below to support their work and be sure to like and follow El Telar and Conexión on Facebook to follow along with their expanding calendar of events.

Aquí en Puerto Morelos somos afortunados de contar con una gran cantidad de artistas, músicos y otras personas que aman devolver a nuestra comunidad. El Telar PM es una de esas organizaciones y amamos su pasión por su visión y programación.

El Telar fue fundado por el talentoso músico local León Farias en 2023. La visión de León es lo siguiente:

“Hay una gran cantidad de artistas en nuestro municipio. Nuestra visión es la construcción de redes que permitan la creación de vínculos entre la comunidad a través de actividades y expresiones artísticas y culturales tales como

•Talleres de arte y educación socioemocional para la comunidad
•Cuenta cuentos
•Intercambio de libros
•Club de cine
•Espectáculos escénicos
•Tianguis culturales

Un modelo comunitario, de aprendizaje, desarrollo artístico y fomento a la cultura para la comunidad de Puerto Morelos.”

El Telar esta ubicado en una calle residencial en el lado de la colonia de Puerto Morelos, donde es más accesible tanto físicamente como economicamente para los mexicanos que viven aquí. El Telar depende de maestros voluntarios que brindan clases a un costo muy bajo para los estudiantes, utilizando los fondos recaudados para ayudar a compensar los costos generales de operación de El Telar.

El Telar continúa creciendo y expandiéndose a medida que surgen financiamiento y nuevas oportunidades para clases. Hemos quedado muy impresionados con su ética de trabajo, su organización y su atención al detalle para garantizar que estén brindando la mejor programación posible para las necesidades de nuestra comunidad.

Por favor, done a través de la parte sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) de nuestra organización, llamada Conexión, utilizando el botón de PayPal a continuación para apoyar su trabajo y asegúrese de darle Me gusta y seguir a El Telar y a Conexión en Facebook para seguir su creciente calendario de eventos.

Scan the QR code or click on the orange buttons to donate to El Telar PM. 🌴🎸

El Telar PM QR code

Escanee el código QR o haga clic en los botones naranjas para donar a El Telar PM. 🌴🎸

El Telar PM has an outdoor area perfect for concerts, performances, and community events in the colonia of Puerto Morelos.
El Telar PM has a booth that they use for community outreach in the park on the colonia side of Puerto Morelos.

El Telar Christmas Posada “Tejiendo Comunidad”

December 2023

Photo of a a red archway with an open gate and a small sign stating "Posada". Beyond the archway, groups of people, a white tent, and a house are visible.

Just before XPM took a much needed Christmas break, we joined forces and experienced the beautiful Mexican tradition of Christmas Posadas with El Telar, the new cultural community center in Puerto Morelos. The event was called “Tejiendo Comunidad” or “Weaving Community” and it was a lovely cross-cultural experience between local Mexican artists and families as well as tourists and immigrants to Mexico. I’ll tell you more about the tradition of posadas below!

Antes de que XPM tomara un merecido descanso navideño, nos unimos y vivimos la hermosa tradición mexicana de las Posadas Navideñas con El Telar, el nuevo centro cultural comunitario en Puerto Morelos. El evento se llamó “Tejiendo Comunidad” y fue una encantadora experiencia intercultural entre artistas y familias mexicanas locales, así como turistas e inmigrantes en México. Les contaré más sobre la tradición de las posadas a continuación.

Two ladies standing outside at a table with several cardboard boxes, looking closely at something while they arrange items for sale at the Christmas Posada with El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos.
Two men in the foreground holding playing cards for the game Uno, one standing and one sitting at a card table. There are two women standing in the background.
A woman holding an artisanal candle at the El Telar Posada, hosted by Experience Puerto Morelos on 12/22/23.

You see, in a country as Catholic as Mexico is, it only makes sense that the Christmas celebration would involve the original Christmas story – the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem where baby Jesus would be born in a stable because all of the inns were full. Posadas are a way of reenacting that journey, and are traditionally held for each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas.

Family and friends determine who will host which of the 12 evenings. Every night, the group gathers and walks around the neighborhood singing Christmas carols and seeking a place to stay, but are repeatedly told there is no room in the inn, until they arrive at the house where the gathering will be held that night. Then they are let in and a special Christmas party begins where the host is responsible for providing a place for everyone to gather, a meal, and often times piñatas and small gifts. It is a great time to remember the real reason for the Christmas season and to take a break from the hustle and bustle to share quality time with loved ones.

Las celebraciones decembrinas involucren la historia original de la Navidad: el viaje de María y José a Belén, donde Jesús nacería en un establo porque todas las posadas estaban llenas. Las Posadas son una forma de recrear ese viaje y tradicionalmente se celebran durante los 12 días previos a la Navidad.

Familiares y amigos determinan quién será el anfitrión en cada una de las 12 noches. Cada noche, el grupo se reúne y camina por el vecindario cantando villancicos y buscando un lugar para quedarse, pero les dicen repetidamente que no hay lugar en la posada, hasta que llegan a la casa donde se llevará a cabo la reunión esa noche. Entonces los dejan entrar y comienza una fiesta navideña especial, donde el anfitrión se encarga de proporcionar un lugar para que todos se reúnan, una comida y, muchas veces, piñatas y pequeños regalos. Es un buen momento para recordar la verdadera razón de la temporada navideña y tomarse un respiro del ajetreo para compartir tiempo de calidad con seres queridos.

The “Weaving Community” Christmas Posada with El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos was no exception. Friends came togther to organize the event, with XPM providing the location and marketing for the event, while El Telar organized the artists, musicians, and vendors who made the event come to life. They sold delicious Christmas food options like tamales, chicken tinga tostadas, and hibiscus flower juice which were perfect for the occasion. Generous local businesses also provided prizes for the fundraiser raffle that El Telar used to raise funds for ongoing classes, workshops, concerts, and community events that they will continue to organize.

It was a beautful evening of the local community coming together to share this special cultural experience. Many visitors to Puerto Morelos were intrigued by the incredible performances they could hear from the street and stopped in to the event to appreciate the talents of our local artists while supporting this worthy cause with their purchases or art and food. We love these types of events where we can bring locals and visitors together for shared experiences that deepen connections and allow for visitors to experience the local culture.

La Posada Navideña “Tejiendo Comunidad” con El Telar y Experience Puerto Morelos no fue una excepción. Amigos se unieron para organizar el evento, con XPM proporcionando la ubicación y la publicidad, mientras que El Telar organizó a los artistas, músicos y vendedores que dieron vida al evento. Se vendieron deliciosas opciones de comida navideña como tamales, tostadas de tinga de pollo, ponche de frutas y agua de jamaica, perfectas para la ocasión. Generosos negocios locales también proporcionaron premios para la rifa benéfica que El Telar utilizó para recaudar fondos para clases, talleres, conciertos y eventos comunitarios continuos que seguirán organizando.

Fue una hermosa noche en la que la comunidad local se unió para compartir esta experiencia cultural especial. Muchos visitantes de Puerto Morelos se sintieron intrigados por las increíbles actuaciones que escuchaban desde la calle y se detuvieron en el evento para apreciar los talentos de nuestros artistas locales mientras apoyaban esta noble causa con sus compras de arte y alimentos. Nos encantan este tipo de eventos donde podemos reunir a locales y visitantes para vivir experiencias compartidas que profundizan las conexiones y permiten a los visitantes experimentar la cultura local.

3 women and 1 man who all sang at the El Telar Posada event on 12/22/23.
A sign saying "Tamales verdes" or "Green Tamales" at the El Telar Posada event.
2 woman and a young girl sit together at the display table for jewelry for sale at the El Telar Posada event on 12/22/23.
Laura Healy playing the ukulele and singing at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23.
Fyah Boyz Crew performed at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23 - shown here doing a backflip.
Fyah Boyz Crew performed break dancing at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23.
Fyah Boyz Crew performed at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23.

You can find the musicians and artists here at their Instagram handles / Pueden encontrar los musicos y artistas aqui con sus perfiles de Instagram:









We would love for you to continue learning about and supporting the much needed work that El Telar is doing in Puerto Morelos. They strive to provide these cultural experiences to local families at accessible prices because they believe that the arts are for everyone, not just those who can afford it. They are strategically located in the colonia, so that people can walk or bike to El Telar without having an added expense of transportation which might prohibit some from being able to afford workshops. And they keep the workshop prices as economically accessible as they possibly can by posting the minimum cost of the events – but know that if you’re able to give more than the advertised cost it will go a long way toward enabling them to continue expanding their offerings. Not only is it good for the community, it is also good for the artists and musicians in the community as it offers many of them a way to supplement their incomes by teaching classes and inspiring new generations of talented Puerto Morelians. You can find the listings of classes and events offered at El Telar by following their Facebook page or Instagram account.

Nos encantaría que siguieras aprendiendo y apoyando el trabajo tan necesario que El Telar está realizando en Puerto Morelos. Se esfuerzan por brindar estas experiencias culturales a las familias locales a precios accesibles porque creen que las artes son para todos, no solo para aquellos que pueden pagarlo. Están estratégicamente ubicados en la colonia, para que las personas puedan ir a pie o en bicicleta a El Telar sin tener el gasto adicional de transporte, lo que podría impedir que algunos puedan costear los talleres. Mantienen los precios de los talleres lo más económicamente accesibles posible al publicar el costo mínimo de los eventos, pero saben que si puedes dar más de lo anunciado, contribuirá en gran medida a permitirles continuar expandiendo sus ofertas. No solo es beneficioso para la comunidad, sino también para los artistas y músicos de la comunidad, ya que les ofrece a muchos de ellos una forma de complementar sus ingresos dando clases e inspirando a nuevas generaciones de talentosos portomorelenses. Puedes encontrar los listados de clases y eventos ofrecidos en El Telar siguiendo su página de Facebook o su cuenta de Instagram.

Local painter, Tierra Cosmica, and ukulele player Laura Healy at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23.
A woman and a teenager at the El Telar Posada on 12/22/23.
A woman speaks into a microphone at the El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos Posada event on 12/22/23.
Group of people sitting and standing, while talking and listening to a variety of performances during the "Weaving Community" Christmas Posada with El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos.
Group of people sitting and standing, while talking and listening to a variety of performances during the "Weaving Community" Christmas Posada with El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos.
Group of people sitting and standing, while talking and listening to a variety of performances during the "Weaving Community" Christmas Posada with El Telar and Experience Puerto Morelos.
